Writers in the Round features Morgan Eve Swain, Craig Werth, Jocelyn Mackenzie, Dylan Metrano, Shiloh Hawkins & Guy Capecelatro III
As this eclectic group of songwriters makes their way to the Star Island Writers in the Round Retreat, they are excited to come together for an intimate evening of performances.
The show is in the round, 3 performers will be on stage at a time, taking turns singing songs and sharing stories. With songwriters MorganEve Swain (Brown Bird, Huntress & The Holder of Hands), Craig Werth, Jocelyn Mackenzie (Pearl and the Beard), Dylan Metrano (Tiger Saw), Shiloh Hawkins and Guy Capecelatro III.
$15 general admission | $8 student
*fees not included ($2 facility fee per ticket + cc processing fees)