The Dance Hall’s mission is to build community by promoting, advancing and sponsoring artistic endeavors, creative work and education in music and dance. The Dance Hall is committed to providing the community with affordable, accessible, participatory and intergenerational performing arts opportunities.

Your financial support is invaluable to this organization - whether through ticket purchases, sponsorships, or donations.  Affordable ticket prices make up less than half of the annual budget.

The Dance Hall is a performance venue that offers live on-stage performances and classes in its landmark 1928 Grange Hall. The Dance Hall is a 501(c)3 tax exempt, fiscally responsible not-for-profit organization, managed by a volunteer Board of Directors and a professional staff. All contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowable by law.
Our tax ID is 45-0964224.


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“make this a monthly donation”.

The Dance Hall is also made possible by the incredible generosity of arts patron Cary Marvel Mabley, who donated the building, and from a legacy gift from the estate of Wendy L. Klodt. We honor their amazing gifts and support, as well as the support from so many individual donors, with deep and heartfelt gratitude!

Gift Cards Now Available!

Fall Season Sponsor

Neighborhood Business Visionary

Neighborhood Business Champion

Neighborhood Business Partners

Foundation & Government Support

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